Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday 11/20/12 college day...

Maggie and I went to college day at a local high school tonight. Her school had college day a few months ago, but she had evening classes that day and couldn't go. It was fun. She had to find three colleges that offered her major and she needs to fill out a work sheet and write a one page paper on the colleges. We had to stay at the fair for an hour and a half. We thought that the hour and a half time frame was a suggestion, but after we got all of the information that Maggie needed and got in the car and drove a block away, Maggie looked at the form and saw that she needed a sign-out signature as well as a sign-in signature. So...we went back, found another parking place, and went back in the college fair. They had other booths besides the colleges, They had an organ donor information table, some tables on getting scholarships, the school had tables of school shirts for sale, and there were bake goods for sale. We wondered around until we could get the final signature.

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