Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thursday 11/22/12 Happy Thanksgiving...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
We will be having Thanksgiving soon. Before we eat, we have a newer tradition of writing what we are thankful for on a piece of fabric. It is musslin. I don't think that the type of fabric matters, but ours is musslin. The material is about three yards long, so that we can use it for a long time. We put newspsper under it so that the permanent marker that we write with won't bleed through to the table under the material. Each person writes what they are thankful for this year and puts their name and the date. This last year my brother passed away. We have his thankfullness from previous years...The table will seem emptier this year.
We do have so many things that we are thankful for. We have settled into a new church, my youngest child has turned sixteen years old, we have a new cat that has really taken her place in the family, everyone is healthy...the list could go on and on. I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Gobble...Gobble...

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